Emergency medical response team
Recently, we proudly shed the spotlight on our dedicated medical response team and the emergency vehicle now stationed on-site. The SCMA reported an average of four medical incidents per month, all of which were attended to by our SLA Emergency Medical Services team. Several of these incidents required private medical support, while one critical situation required heli-evac support to transport the patient, ensuring prompt hospital care. We are committed to providing swift and effective medical assistance to ensure the well-being of our community.

The SCMA encounters weekly violations of our estate speed limits by some residents and their guests. We would like to remind all residents that they are responsible for the actions of their guests and any road safety violations within the estate. Please ensure that your guests are informed of these rules when providing access codes. This will enforce the efforts of our security officers at the gatehouse, who remind delivery personnel and couriers of our road safety and speed restrictions upon entry.
Regarding speed limits, feedback from our recent resident survey showed strong support for a reduction in the overall speed limit. Effective immediately, the maximum speed limit on all dual-lane major arterial routes is now 50 kph, while single-lane roads will remain at 40 kph. To ensure compliance from both residents and visitors, we have installed speed monitoring cameras throughout the estate.

Unregistered resident casual staff members
We kindly remind all residents to ensure that their staff (including domestic workers, gardeners, and au pairs) are correctly registered and vetted on our system via our SCMA reception. The SCMA has recently had to address several unfortunate incidents involving unregistered staff being brought onto the estate by residents. Estate rules are designed to maintain a safe environment for everyone and to protect residents from the potential risks posed by unvetted workers. Please note that penalties may be imposed for violations reported by the security team to the SCMA. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter.
Vehicle Tracking
We’re excited to share that significant progress has been made in advancing our new vehicle tracking technology, and we expect operations to be fully deployed Q1 of 2025. As we venture into this innovative territory, we’re enthusiastic about the system’s potential to enhance our security operations.
NB: Please contact our security nerve centre on 010 597 1111 for direct emergency assistance or requests after hours.