Safety and security is our number one priority – but did you know that we look after our community in other ways, too?

We’ve got you covered

Whether you need a paramedic or a snake catcher, we’re here to help. Our security team has all the skills required to provide a range of services to keep you safe: we’ve fire fighters, comprehensive first aid responders as well as a variety of qualified trained security guards. In addition, effective 1 July, SLA Emergency Medical Services has a permanent presence on our estate, further improving response times. We even provide air support and evacuation services for hospital, if required in an emergency.

New vehicle tracking

Please be assured that your safety remains our top priority. We are ceaseless in our efforts to explore new avenues to improve our security offering.

We’re sure you’ll agree that the number of new facilities that we will soon be launching will add a new and enhanced dimension to life at Steyn City. However, we also understand that, because many of these facilities are open to outside guests, you may have concerns around safety and security.

Rest assured that the new vehicle tracking system we mentioned in our previous newsletter is now up and running in a proof-of-concept phase, and has been integrated with our Kenai visitor management app. The system will allow us to track and trace the movement of outside guests, with cameras installed along all main arterials within the estate. We are also testing speed tracking as part of the new system. The technology has already undergone extensive testing, first in a simulated environment, followed by live testing. More information to follow in the next newsletter.

Traffic concerns around Steyn City School

Steyn City has provided thoroughfare access to a limited number of Steyn City School parents to allow them to drop-off and pick up their children. Our normal on-boarding processes and security protocols are followed in such circumstances.  The access window for pick up and drop off has been limited and the terms of use do not allow such parents to make use of the broader estate facilities, such as our running paths and cycle tracks. As with all road users, we will be making use of our new camera system to identify any speedsters, and if they continue to violate the speed limits, they will be blacklisted.

Residents have also found that there is congestion around the school campus at pick up and drop off times, making it difficult for them to access their homes, particularly in The Village. We have commissioned a traffic study to gauge access to the Early Years Centre, the Preparatory School and College, and will be communicating the outcomes of this study and proposed solutions, once it has been finalised. We are considering solutions such as the addition of an entrance on Runnymead Road, if we are able to obtain the appropriate regulatory clearances, which will provide separate access to the College and alleviate congestion at the Cedar Road Gatehouse.

July/August 2024 Newsletter